
Inzamam Not Happy With Appointment of ‘Data Specialist’ in Selection Committee

Former Pakistan captain, Inzamam-ul-Haq, has raised his concerns about the newly appointed data-driven selection committee by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB).

Speaking on the matter, Inzamam expressed his belief that the selection should primarily be based on on-field performances rather than relying solely on statistical data.

Voicing his reservations, Inzamam argued that it would have been a better approach to include cricketers in the committee who can observe players perform on the field.

“I have never heard of data-based selection, nor is it possible anywhere. Selection should be done based on performances on the ground,” Inzamam-ul-Haq said.

The 53-year-old batter expressed doubt about the effectiveness of a data-driven selection process, stating that such an approach is unheard of in cricket anywhere in the sport.

In response, Haroon Rasheed, the chairman of the selection committee, highlighted the importance of including a manager of analytics and expert coaches in the committee.

“I have never heard of data-based selection, nor is it possible anywhere. Selection should be done based on performances on the ground,” Inzamam-ul-Haq said.

The 53-year-old batter expressed doubt about the effectiveness of a data-driven selection process, stating that such an approach is unheard of in cricket anywhere in the sport.

In response, Haroon Rasheed, the chairman of the selection committee, highlighted the importance of including a manager of analytics and expert coaches in the committee.

Source: Pro Pakistani